Deadlift is one of the best exercises that an individual can perform. This amazing exercise engages almost every muscle in the human body and should be a part of regular gym workouts for men. There are many variations of the deadlifts that a person can perform like sumo deadlift, Romanian deadlift, hex bar deadlift and the conventional deadlifts. Incorporating this awesome exercise in the workout can be very beneficial for everyone. Here are some reasons why doing deadlifts makes an individual a better athlete.


Deadlift is a compound movement and engages more muscles as compared to any other exercise. When performed correctly deadlifts can cause a massive increase in the anabolic hormones like HGH and testosterone which are responsible for strength and size. The other benefits associated with these increased hormones are enhanced fat burning, increased bone density etc.


Doing deadlifts regularly can strengthen the lower back which can decrease the chances of back problems. Executing deadlifts also places a lot of stress on the core muscles which leads to a strong core and improved posture.


Deadlifts are also one of the best exercises for men for grip strength and forearm development. Doing heavy deadlifts requires squeezing the bar tightly which enhances the grip power and contributes to forearm growth. But caution should be exercised by people who have an existing back or shoulder injury while attempting deadlifts.

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